Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Social Media for Recruitment

A comprehensive guide to using social media for recruitment is available.

Advantages of Using Social Media in Recruitment

  • Targeted advertising: Social media platforms offer sophisticated targeting options, allowing employers to reach specific groups based on demographics, interests, education, and more (provided you do not discriminate).
  • Reaching passive jobseekers: Although not actively looking for a job, you may be able to interrupt them on social media.
  • Enhanced employer branding: This can attract jobseekers who align with the organisation’s vision, leading to better cultural fit in the recruitment process.
  • It really is “social”: Social recruiting can utilise the power of community engagement and word-of-mouth, especially when employees share job postings within their networks.
  • Flexibility in content and interaction: Social media platforms offer various ways to present job opportunities, including written copy, photos, videos, and interactive content.

Disadvantages of Using Social Media in Recruitment

  • Time-intensive effort: Effective social media recruitment often requires significant time investment to create regular content, engage with jobseekers, and maintain an active presence on multiple platforms.
  • Potential for discrimination: Targeted advertising on social media can inadvertently lead to discrimination.
  • Risk of brand damage: Negative comments or feedback on social media can quickly spread and potentially harm an employer’s brand. Companies need to be prepared to manage their online reputation..
  • Lack of control over platform changes: Social media platforms frequently update their algorithms and policies, affecting how job postings are displayed and who sees them. Businesses have limited control over these changes.
  • Costs of paid advertising: While organic social media presence is free, reaching a wider audience often requires paid advertising.
  • Limited applicant information: Unlike traditional CVs and job applications, social media profiles may not provide comprehensive information about a candidate’s qualifications and experience.
  • Privacy and ethical concerns: Reviewing candidates’ social media profiles raises privacy and ethical considerations.
  • Risk of misinformation: Candidates may present an idealised version of themselves on social media, which might not accurately reflect their qualifications or work ethic.
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Geoff Newman has dedicated his entire career to recruitment. He has consulted for many well-known international brands, and worked with over 20,000 growing businesses. He has helped fill over 100,000 jobs.

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