Employer Branding

What is Employer Branding?

Employer branding is the perception of your organisation as an employer among current, past, and prospective employees. It is not a mere happenstance but a result of deliberate actions taken by the leadership, talent acquisition, and HR teams. While it may contain aspirational elements, it should fundamentally be anchored in the existing organisational culture.

The Importance of Employer Branding

Employee Engagement and Purpose

For your current workforce, a strong employer brand fosters a unified sense of purpose and engagement. In an era where remote work is prevalent, aligning values is crucial for building a sense of belonging and engagement.

Talent Attraction and Retention

A well-defined employer brand attracts candidates who resonate with your organisational culture. According to LinkedIn, companies with a strong employer brand attract 50% more qualified applicants, hire 1-2 times faster, and experience a 28% reduction in turnover.

Alumni Network

Former employees who maintain a positive perception of your employer brand are more likely to refer candidates, collaborate as freelancers, or even return as 'boomerang' employees.

Creating an Employer Branding Strategy

Identifying Core Areas

Begin by pinpointing focus areas such as mission, vision, values, or diversity, equity, and inclusion. Use internal research methods like surveys and focus groups to define what these areas mean within your organisation.

Integration Across Employee Lifecycle

Incorporate these values into various touchpoints of the employee experience, from the application and interview process to onboarding and ongoing recognition.

Continuous Adaptation

Your employer branding strategy should be agile, adapting to market conditions and organisational growth phases. During high-growth periods, the focus may be on rapid decision-making, while slower periods allow for introspection and process refinement.

Employer Branding: The Strategic Edge in Talent Acquisition and Retention

Employer branding is a term that has gained significant traction in the HR landscape. It refers to the collective efforts of an organisation to project itself as an employer of choice, both to current employees and potential job candidates.

Who Drives Employer Branding?

While HR is often the first department that comes to mind for employer branding initiatives, the reality is more nuanced. Employer branding is a collective endeavour involving:

  • Senior Leadership: The C-suite sets the strategic vision and values for the company.
  • Line Managers: They are responsible for implementing these values at the team level.
  • HR Department: Manages employee relations and formalises company policies.
  • Marketing Team: Communicates the employer brand externally through various channels.

Employer Brand vs. Company Brand

It's crucial to distinguish between the employer brand and company brand. The former pertains to your reputation as an employer, while the latter relates to your reputation as a business entity. Although interconnected, a strong company brand doesn't necessarily translate into a strong employer brand, and vice versa.

The Advantages of a Robust Employer Brand

A strong employer brand offers numerous benefits:

  • Cost-Effective Recruitment: A positive employer reputation attracts more unsolicited applications, reducing recruitment costs.
  • Quick Hiring: Candidates are likelier to accept job offers from reputable employers, shortening the time-to-hire.
  • Enhanced Retention: Employees are likelier to stay in a company with a strong employer brand.
  • Attracting Top Talent: High-calibre candidates consider employer reputation when evaluating job offers.

Building Your Employer Branding Strategy

  1. Be a Good Employer: Treat all interactions with your company respectfully, whether they are candidates or employees.
  2. Inclusive Hiring: Ensure that your hiring process is fair and inclusive.
  3. Employee-Centric Policies: Create policies that make employees feel valued and secure.
  4. Career Development: Offer opportunities for professional growth within the company.
  5. External Promotion: Social media, testimonials, and events showcase your employer brand.

FAQs on Employer Branding

  • What is Employer Branding?: It's how a company markets itself to attract and retain talent.
  • What is the Purpose of Employer Branding?: It aims to make the company an attractive workplace, thereby aiding in talent acquisition and retention.
  • Why is Employer Branding Important?: It helps attract quality candidates, foster a strong company culture, and even reduce marketing costs.